SQTE-522 She Is Gentle But Has A Strong Sexual Desire! She Moans As Much As She Is Touched. Sex That Keeps You Moaning Until Your Voice Dies.
Оригинальное название: SQTE-522 おしとやかだけど性欲強め!!触られた分だけ喘いじゃう。声が枯れるまで喘ぎつづけるSEX 月本海咲
The eroticism packed into her small 142cm body is amazing! With her ethics-crazed visuals, including school swimsuits and school uniforms, Kaizaki-chan is ready to destroy your brain! She loves to have her clitoris and pussy played with, and she knows how pleasurable it is. She loves to have her clitoris and pussy played with and she knows how to feel pleasure.