Time stop ward. The nurse call is a god device that can stop time and you can insert or stop it whenever you want.

Оригинальное название: HSODA-050 時間停止病棟。ナースコールがまさかの時間を止めれる神装置で好きな時に挿れたり、止めたりし放題

What? Wait! This hospital room is the only place where time stands still. What? In that hospital, there is a divine device that can stop time at will, depending on the location! I was driven to the brink of despair after being told by the doctors that I had only 3 months to live, but I didn't care if I could stop time, as long as I could stop time! I'm going to do what I have left to do before I die: I'm going to touch, lick, and fuck all the girls in the hospital! I'm going to touch, lick, insert, and let out as much as I want! I can't stop the progression of the disease, but I can stop time all I want!