MIDE-670 Запись чистого любовного романа, в котором он трахнул сестру своей девушки по аспирантуре, пока та уехала в командировку на четыре дня. Сёко Такахаси.

Оригинальное название: MIDE-670 彼女が四日間、旅行で留守の間、彼女のグラドルお姉さんとハメまくったドエロ純愛記録。 高橋しょう子

My live-in girlfriend's sister is that celebrity, Takasho. One night after the three of us had a few drinks, she fell asleep and the only two people awake were me and Takasho. When we fell silent after a break in conversation, she suddenly kissed me deeply! We hadn't seen each other since then, but when she was going away on a trip, Takasho called me.... MOODYZ Campaign 30% OFF Vol. 4] has ended. *For more information on special offers and other details, click here.